Etched in my mind

True Friendship to be a servant

Povi-Enuh 2011. 4. 21. 15:25

Love on Tehran`s Roof
Love on Tehran`s Roof by mohammadali 저작자 표시비영리동일조건 변경허락

Eat and drink together:
talk and laugh together:
enjoy life together:
but never call it friendship
until you have wept together.
- An African saying

The Bible is giving a great insight about
Christian relationship based on Him.
It is to be a servant, such as He was washing the disciple's feet,
taking off His outer clothing and wrapping a towel around His waist.

Weeping together, it starts from our heart, but not just in emotion but whole body.
What am I supposed to do? Guest what.......
I think I should consider others better than myself in every single moment,
even in having a hard time for them.